Hello. My teach Mrs. C is making me write today. Stuff about my life and what not. Let’s see… um… my sister got a mission call to Fort Worth , Texas . That’s um, cool I guess. Oh and I also pretty much killed my foot at the track meet the other day. That was fun. I’m pretty much grumpy right now so I’m going to write about something I hate. How about people with bad teeth. I guess I don’t really hate them, but seriously buy a tooth brush man, or floss, or mouth wash, or dentures, or at least learn how to smile without showing those mold encrusted shingles of death! My day is consistently being tainted by snaggle toothed wieners. I’ll be walking around school having a tip toppity day, smiling at everyone and just having a general jolly time. Then I’ll smile at someone and they’ll reveal those smelly, green planks of doom, instantly piercing my soul which then wilts and falls out my… Well, you get the idea. Bad teeth just bug me. Seriously, just brush them once in a while man!
Another thing that bugs me to no end is fetching PDA (Public Display of Affection)! This issue has escaladed from not just between two lovers, but every fetching hormonal, slimy, stinky, zit covered teen in this school. They may not be having tongue wrestling matches at random instances in the hall way, but I swear everyday I see a new pair making static electricity with each other’s bodies! They aren’t even together half the time! I know of one girl who is constantly on the hunt for a man to rub herself against. Actually I don’t even know if it has to be a man. She just wants to invade something’s personal space, anything’s personal space! At several times in my short teenage life, I have come close to creating a home made tazer just to keep this woman away! If I need electricity I’ll use a generator, or the power plant. I don’t need to create it with my body, woman! Teenagers like these seriously need to learn how to control their feelings. Not every man in the school wants to be made into a human stripper pole for your enjoyment!
To me, such bodily contact is worse than the tongue tackling people are doing in the halls. I mean they’re just touching mouths. These body seeking females want to make contact with every single inch of their puberty engrossed teenage bodies!
Ok, I’m done. I’m happy now. So I hope everyone has I fantastic day, and please remember not to try to make electricity with my body. Goodbye.
Kalin, I'm thinking Mr. Davis may need to read this over the intercom as part of his morning announcements. What do you think?